Friday, May 18, 2012

Up next, Kindergarten!

Today was Landon's last day of preschool. I know I talked here in an earlier post about our struggle with making the decision to hold Landon back a year before sending him to Kindergarten. It seemed to me, such a big deal at the time, but as usual things have a way of working out.  It ended up being such a blessing to have Landon take preschool this year. His teachers Miss Kathy and Miss Shirley were amazing! AMAZING. He grew in every area possible, and is now so ready for Kindergarten. There were more than a few moments of sadness for me this week. Today was particularly hard. It's not that I am sad to see Landon move onto Kindergarten, it's just that I know that from now on he will be in school 5 days a week! Homework, 5 days a week. Packing lunches, 5 days a week. Man, I HATE packing that dang lunch each day. I never seem to pack the right thing, and 90% of the time the food I pack him comes right back home, untouched. Lovely.

We are a family on the go. I am a super active Mama and we always have something to do. It just makes me sad that starting in August he will be gone to school every. I know I will adjust quickly and learn to love the quiet time, but for now it's hard to wrap my brain around it.

The school did a wonderful job on the graduation program.
The kids all had cute caps and gowns to wear, and they had been rehearsing all week to preform a few songs as well. The stage was set up so cute!
When the kids all walked in I was so nervous for Landon. He can be pretty uneasy, and anxious in situations where people are going to be watching him perform. And boy did his face show exactly how nervous he was.
Once he got on stage and got comfortable he did great! Mama was so relieved!

The kids all preformed a few really sweet songs. You could tell that they had worked so hard on memorizing the words, and learning the hand movements.

After the performance portion the kids were called up onto stage one at a time, where the received not only their "diploma" but also a special surprise from their teachers. Miss Kathy and Miss Shirley had written a poem for each of the kids and they read them aloud.

Miss Shirley read Landon's poem..

"Landon has a gentle spirit
he really is a very good friend,
He works so hard on everything he does
from the beginning to the end."

After some nice words spoken about the school year and this particular group of kids, as well as a nice tribute to the teachers that the parents all co wrote, Landon was dismissed to meet up with his family in the audience. Just like that he's done with Preschool!!

Auntie Amy and Uncle Nate came along with Ryder to watch our boy "Graduate." I know that meant the world to Landon. He LOVES his Auntie so, so much.

Ryder was particularly excited to be up past his bedtime and gave Landon some sweet congratulatory hugs!

So proud of our sweet boy! And Brynne was THRILLED that Landon was finally done with Preschool because that means that it is now her turn! It's going to be a long summer with lots of "Is it time for me to go to school now?" questions...

We took our graduate home and had a fun surprise waiting for him!

Needless to say, we are SO proud of Landon and so excited for him to start Kindergarten this Fall.

And needless to say, Landon was thrilled with his surprise!

We love you Landon, and can't wait to see you grow by leaps and bounds over the 2012-2013 school year!


Kathryn said...

how exciting! Lauren starts kindergarten this year.. I can't believe how fast time flies! you do cute things for your bub ;)