Friday, August 21, 2009

The post in which I post naked pictures of my hillbilly children...

*and because 5 years from now I will be wondering why the heck they were out front of the house naked...
I was filling the bathtub and they were watching for a tractor...
Ah, country livin' at its finest!


MLP said...

This is one of THE cutest posts EVER!!! I love it!

Ginnie said...

Too cute!!!

Becky said...

ROFL! THat is SO stinkin' cute!

Jennifer said...

they are so stinkin' cute!!!!

Jennifer said...

OMG I laughed so hard when I opened your post! That has got to be the cutest thing I've EVER seen!!!!

Erin said...

Dontcha just LOVE little butts!

Anonymous said...

ROLLING....what is it about kids and underwear, or lack of....cute stinking butts.....great pic!! Notice the word stinking in most of the comments,,,hint, hint This is a picture that you will treasure....good one Beck!!