Monday, January 19, 2009

It's Not NotMe! Monday..

I am most certainly not participating in Not Me! Monday only because I can't find the stupid graphic on my computer and I am way too tired to continue to look for it through all the thousands of pics that are apparently not organized enough.
Instead I am posting the pictures from my lunch date at McDonald's with the kids last week! Oh and I did not take them to McDonald's to eat that unhealthy crap and play on the filthy toys...nope, not me (:

(below) Brynne was peeking at Landon...

Must have been close to her naptime, she looks so tired here...

This is Landon's new 'cheese' face, lovely...

Sweet girl...


Rebekah said...

Hey Beck ... love the not me post - And love the pictures of the kids on that filthy but oh so fun equipment ... looks like they both had a blast! And love your little man's cheesey grin ... they are both so darn cute - oh and I emailed you ... talk with you soon!


Anonymous said...

So cute! Love the "not me" post...!

Elyse said...

Love the not me post! Landon and Brynne are what if they had junk one day...@ least it is not every day! Happy Monday!!!

MLP said...

Love the new cheesy smile!!! We've got some similar ones around here!

OH NO, NOT ME...I'd never take my kids to McD's!!! Yeah right, what would I do without McD's?!?

Cute pics!

Rebekah said...

okie - dokie .... here is my email address ...