Friday, September 25, 2009


Current Book: Still trying to finish the Twilight series, and I finished Mommywood by Tori Spelling last night.
Current Album: Taylor Swift, and of course Britney!

Current Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure: Crap ass reality TV, I can't get enough!

Current Drink: Diet Pepsi

Current Favorite Blog: Go visit Summer at Le Musings of Moi she is adorable, hilarious, and as fashion savvy as I wish I was!

Current Songs: Paparazzi-Lady Gaga

Current Wish-List: Fall wardrobe for myself and the kids, complete with a tweed button down coat for my daughter because is there really anything cuter on a little girl in the fall?

Current Needs: Definitely MORE sleep! Oh, and a pedicure!

Current Triumph: I have not made any snotty comments to rude customers this week! Yay me!

Current Favorite Film: New Moon. What's that you say? It's not even out until November 20th? Ya, I know...but it's going to be amazing, and I can't stop watching the trailers for it over and over.

Current Celebrity Crush: I am lovin' Neil Patrick Harris this week, super cute, super funny, and the guy can sing and dance!

Current Indulgence: Oatmeal cookies! Must be because fall is in the air!

Current Outfit: Because of my current indulgence above, I don't have a current outfit that I love. Screw you saturated fat!

Current Bane of My Existence: My 3 year old who can't seem to sleep through the night!!!

Current Excitement: Disneyland tomorrow! Oh ya!

Current Mood: Bored

Current Picture:

Aren't they adorable? I LOVE them so!

This fun "Current" activity was introduced to me by Hot Pants over at Handbags and Handguns!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you joined in on the fun. I can't wait until November!

MLP said...

Loved this idea.

Cute pic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!