Friday, December 5, 2008

Favorite Foto Friday

There's no preselected theme for this weeks FFF, so I have decided to post these pictures as my favorite for this week!

This is Brynne yesterday. 10 1/2 months old~
This is Landon 02-24-07. He was 7 1/2 months old. Just thought it was funny that they were both taking their socks off, in the car!

SO blessed to call these 2 my babies!

Check out Sarah's blog for more FFF posts.
Check back later for more posts, I have A LOT to catch up on!
Have a great weekend everyone (:


Rebekah said...

Hey there Becca ... love your pictures for FFF ... and it is too cute that both your little ones were ripping socks off in the car ... but the last phot you posted is BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend!

Hugs from MN!
Rebekah - Jaden - Baby#2

Becky said...

How totally adorable! Your kids are so gorgeous:)

Anonymous said...

WOW! What gorgeous kids you have! When you first open up your blog and you see the picture on the header of the page, your like...WOW! Beautiful!
Have a great weekend!

TheAustinEmpire said...

My daughter usually has her socks and shoes off before I can get my seatbelt on. I guess some kids just liek to be barefoot.