Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wordless Wednesday!


Anonymous said...

hahahhahha! very funny AND predictable with our tiny Have a great day!!

MLP said...

Hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reminds me of my Walker!

Amanda said...

OMG, this was the best laugh I've had all week!!

Rebekah said...

OH goodness now that is BEYOND funny ... glad I swallowed my water first! What a great picture! Hope you are havinga great week!

hugs from MN!

Rebekah and her girls!

rebecca said...

Hi! I saw your comment on my girlfriend's blog (Daniella) and I just had to come check out yours because, well, I'm a Rebecca too, and I'm moving to San Diego in two weeks. I saw you're in SoCal too!

So hi there! :)

Jennifer said...

That's awesome! I love it! haha

Ginnie said...

That is hysterical! Perfect shot next to that sign!!

Erin said...