Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bad Boy!

"NO, you may not go outside! for the 3,657th time You were a bad boy today and didn't mind Miss Teia!"
Landon got in trouble at school today. He threw a piece of food at snack time, and then hit another kid on the playground. As punishment Travis and I decided that he couldn't play outside at all today. I'm beginning to think that may be more of a punishment for us, not Landon.


Elyse said...

Oh my goodness!

Amanda said...

Oh gosh yes! Taking the Wii away the few times we have, have been horrible on US. LOL

MLP said...

Oh no! Bless your heart and his!

Did somebody throw food at him first?!? (hee hee! I sound like my mother always taking up for her grandkids!!!).

Audrey said...

We do no TV and no computer. It's absolute torture for all involved!

Anonymous said...

Oh am so sorry that Landon had such an "icky" day! It can happen to the best of us :) But, you did right, stay strong, YOU BET, it is harder on the parents....giggle

Rebekah said...

Oh I am not laughing at the incident but I am laughing at the fact that you are right - more punishment for you than Landon ... I have done that before ... kept Jaden home from a sleepover - in the end it would have been less punishment for us if we'd have just sent her on her way ... ahh, parenting - gotta love it!

Have a great weekend!

Hugs from MN!