Yummy! Coldstone with Daddy~
Practice Makes Perfect~
Pictures from Landon's weekend playdate with Auntie Amy (why no pics with you in them Auntie?)~
Our two sweet kids are napping at the same time this afternoon (YAY) so I thought I would take some time and catch everyone up! I have had some emails asking for new pictures and stories about the kids. My camera has been acting up and I have not been taking as many pictures lately! Shocking, I know! I think we may have finally gotten the camera to work right and more pics are sure to follow later this week.
3 days ago Landon turned 2 years 2 months old...or 26 months, however you say it at this stage. It seems the days since he turned two have brought nothing but development and change into my little man's life. He speaks constantly in 3 or 4 word sentences now and wants so badly to converse with us. Wherever he goes he is constantly looking over his shoulder and saying, "C'mon Mama" or "C'mon Dada" or even "C'mon Baby." It is still hard for him to say Brynne so he refers to his sister as Baby still, lol. He is amazing on his new bike already, and was doing laps in the house by the 2nd day. He now rides all over outside and can squeeze in between even the smallest of spaces. He still tries to do everything that Travis does and copies his every move. Our boy can be mischievous and sneaky, like any 2 year old, but he has such a huge loving heart. His favorite thing to do each day is to run full speed down the hallway, throw open Brynne's door and run in to see his sister after her nap. He climbs right up into her crib and sits and plays with her and gives her hugs, and talks to her in words only Landon understands! Catch him after his nap and he is full of love for his Mama. Brynne is so mobile these days and is constantly walking along the couch or toy box. The daily encouragement she gets from Landon is very sweet, and melts my heart. He wants her to walk so badly and always says, "C'mon baby, you do it!" Those are some of my favorite moments during the day. Landon loves his baby sister sooo much. I had so many fears while pregnant with her that he would feel jealousy and would not 'welcome' Brynne into our family. Instead he has done just the opposite. Whenever she is out of sight throughout the day Landon is constantly asking "Mama where baby go?" He tries so hard to play and interact with her, and does not seem to understand why she can't do many of the things he wants to do with her...such as look through a book, have a snack together, or run around the house. I am so looking forward to the days when Brynne can walk and the two of them will likely go on 'adventures' together and no doubt get into a whole mess of trouble!! What else are big brother's for? As for Brynne, I already mentioned her mobility, which is amazing to me! This child literally went from sitting in one spot all day, to roaming the house on all fours overnight! She is so determined and wants to be near Landon ALL day long. It is a hard stage to be in with Brynne because this girl knows what she wants! If I set her down to make lunch, clean the house, or take Landon potty she gets very frustrated and goes into an instant meltdown. She is sooo different from Landon when he was this age. He was always such a happy baby and rarely cried. He explored everything on his own and as long as we were within his range of sight then he was fine. Not Brynne! She wants Mama or Daddy involved in everything she does, all day long. If she is hungry she lets us know, right away! If she has a wet diaper, we know it! If she's tired...oh ya, we know it! She is very vocal and when she wants something she WANTS it then! She is definitely female and I can see a much more dramatic side to her personality that Landon just doesn't have. Brynne is either very happy, or very upset (usually because she is not getting her way). And she is only 8 months! We are in a mess of trouble with this one X: She definitely loves Landon and no matter how many times he rides his bike over her toes she still looks at him with such a look of love and awe! She has a special love for her brother and can not take her eyes off of him throughout the day. What can I say, we are so blessed to have 2 healthy, happy, beautiful children. What a lucky Mama I am!!
We have enjoyed the recent cooler temperatures and are SO excited for fall to come. I love fall and it has always been my favorite season. Fall means lots of fun things to do as a family, and many traditions with the kids. I can't wait for Halloween and pumpkin patches and costumes, baking and fun with our family and friends! We will miss the carefree, HOT days of another passing California summer, but are so thankful for the changing of the leaves and the crisp fall air.
Slow Start
1 week ago
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